kyosukekusaragi wrote in thefailwhale Feb 23, 2011 17:34
who the hell are you?, but not with bonehead, fail: meowzy, fail: sapph, fail: masa, /shings, it was clever fun, no one carres
luna_hoshino wrote in thefailwhale Dec 14, 2010 14:33
fail: luna, fail: sapph, i choose you lunaowzy, fail: masa, do the fusion dance
fontech wrote in thefailwhale Dec 13, 2010 11:21
fail: sapph, fail: masa, she doesn't need tits, fail: kyio, akai = aku, tear wangs, blue wangs, creamcap
meowzy_chan wrote in thefailwhale Nov 08, 2010 20:38
fail: luna, i swear to squirrel, fail: masa, aliciaaa, fail: shikki
kyosukekusaragi wrote in thefailwhale Oct 09, 2010 12:04
fail: masa, masa lays a furry